Sabtu lepas, kami bawak Zahra ke klinik. Bukan sebab tak
sihat, tapi nak bagi dia makin sihat..dipendekkan cerita untuk disunatkan J..Alhamdulillah..tengok
dia rilek je tak menangis masa kena tu..Good Gurl. Mak bapaknya yang terlebih
cuak hihi..yela takut gak dia meraung ke ape ke risau jugak..Semuanya berjalan
lancar dengan kepakaran Dr Hasnah dari Poliklinik Annur Putrjaya, Presint 15.Kena
bayar hanya rm35..Okla tu kan sebab ada klinik yang charge lebih lagi..
Monday, 10 December 2012
Selesaikan tanggungjawab
Friday, 7 December 2012
Friday Smile~~
wink wink...senyum sampai ke telinga motif nya esok sentiasa tunggu time weekend macam orang lain jugak kan.macam2 program nak buat esok..yang penting dapat spend masa dengan my luvly famili...terutamanya intan payung tercinta..
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Cuti yang memenatkan
Semalam ambil cuti. Banyak urusan yang perlu buat. Pagi2 hantar Zahra ke nurseri. Kami berdua + Aisyah ke Homeopati, nak cek Aisyah punya sakit kulit..Kebelakangan ni badan dia tumbuh bintat2 pastu asyik tergaru aje..Dah selesai urusan kat homeopati, Bangi ingat nak zass balik ke ofis, sekali tengok jam dah pukul 11.30.Alahai alang2 sangat nak masuk opis so ambik cuti terus lagipun nk hantar Aisyah kesian plak tengok dia dok tergaru2 manjang.Lepas tu dah cuti ni boleh lah selesaikan urusan macam2 ke bank dll..Dan tengok jam pukul 6 pm. baru dapat pergi ambik Zahra huhu..penat satu hari cuti menyelesaikan macam-macam urusan..
note:lemau je rasa harini..badan rasa sakit2 huhu..
note:lemau je rasa harini..badan rasa sakit2 huhu..
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Pneumococcal Vaccine || Baby Zahra
Alhamdulillah..Zahra dah ambik dua dos untuk pneumococcal vaccine Sabtu lepas.Dos pertama masa dua bulan dan dos kedua untuk 4 bulan.Alhamdulillah dua kali injek tak demam..kalau tak mama ni susah hati je. Sebab apa ambik injection ni??Sebenarnya sebelum saya decide untuk ambik vaksin 'mahal' ni saya banyak buat research kt internet dan tanya pendapat mereka yang 'pakar'..dan banyk komen positif dorang kami buat pelaburan sikit untuk Zahra. Satu dos harga RM295. Kena complete 4 dos, tapi untuk dos ke 4 dapat free..tu pakej dekat klinik Annur, Bangi.Kat klinik lain tak pasti plak. Almost RM1k..Gigil tangan nak hulur RM1k tapi untuk kesihatan deme, apa salahnya kan..Dulu masa Aisyah kurang knowledge pada vaksin ni, so tak pernah ambil dan rasa ralat jugak..Apa-apa pun kita hanya mampu berusaha dan merancang TAPI ALLAH yang menentukan segalanya dan sebaik2 PERANCANG jua..
Saya nak kongsi kat sini info mengenai pneumococcal vaccine
What are the benefits of the pneumococcal vaccine?
This vaccine protects against pneumococcal (pronounced new-m'COCKL) infections, which mostly strike children under age 5 and can lead to some of the worst childhood diseases. Pneumococcal infections are one of the most common causes of death in the United States from a disease that's preventable through a vaccine.
Before the vaccine came along, pneumococcal infection caused more than 700 cases of meningitis, 13,000 blood infections, and 5 million ear infections in children under 5 every year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The vaccine is effective in up to 90 percent of people who get it.
The bugs responsible for pneumococcal are bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae. They live in the mucous lining of the nose and in the back of the throat. And when they're plentiful enough, they can cause an infection in the respiratory tract, middle ear, or sinus cavities. Antibiotics such as penicillin can kill them, but up to 40 percent of the strains are resistant to antibiotics.
Pneumococcal bacteria spread by close contact and through coughing and sneezing. Diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia can crop up within days of infection.
Symptoms of pneumococcal pneumonia usually include fever and chills with shaking or trembling, as well as chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, fatigue, and weakness. Nausea, vomiting, and headaches are also associated with pneumococcal pneumonia, but are less common.
Pneumococcal bacteria also cause some of the most serious ear infections in children.
News about the latest pneumococcal vaccine
In February 2010, the FDA licensed a new vaccine to prevent pneumococcal disease in children: Prevnar 13, or PCV13. PCV13 protects against more strains of pneumococcal bacteria than the previous vaccine, PCV7.
This protection is important because PCV7 doesn't protect against certain strains of bacteria that have become more common in recent years. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the new vaccine offers protection against the strains of pneumococcal bacteria that most often cause severe pneumococcal infections in children.
What's the recommended schedule?
Recommended number of doses
Four doses.
Recommended ages
* At 2 months
* At 4 months
* At 6 months
* Between 12 and 15 months
What to do if your child has already received the old vaccine
The CDC recommends that
1) children who have received one or more doses of PCV7 complete their immunization series with PCV13, and
2) children 14 through 59 months of age who have already received all their PCV7 doses receive one dose of PCV13.
To track your child's immunizations, use BabyCenter's Immunization Scheduler.
Who shouldn't get the PCV vaccine?
Children who've had a life-threatening allergic reaction to a previous PCV shot or to certain other vaccines should not get the PCV vaccine. If your child has had this type of severe reaction to any immunization, talk to her doctor about whether the PCV vaccine is advisable.
Are there any precautions I should take?
Mildly ill children can be vaccinated. But if your child has a high fever or a severe illness, such as pneumonia, wait until her health improves before taking her in for the vaccine. She'll be better able to handle the immunization when she's healthy.
What are the possible side effects?
About a third of vaccinated children have redness, discomfort, or swelling at the site of the injection. A third also develop a mild fever. One in 20 has a higher fever of over 102.2 degrees.
Severe allergic reactions are rare but possible with any vaccine. See what our expert says about how to tell whether your child is having an adverse reaction.
note:gambar masa kena injek takda sbb masa ni pergi sorang2 sebab abah kena tunggu kakak Aisyah beradu dalam kereta
Saya nak kongsi kat sini info mengenai pneumococcal vaccine
What are the benefits of the pneumococcal vaccine?
This vaccine protects against pneumococcal (pronounced new-m'COCKL) infections, which mostly strike children under age 5 and can lead to some of the worst childhood diseases. Pneumococcal infections are one of the most common causes of death in the United States from a disease that's preventable through a vaccine.
Before the vaccine came along, pneumococcal infection caused more than 700 cases of meningitis, 13,000 blood infections, and 5 million ear infections in children under 5 every year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The vaccine is effective in up to 90 percent of people who get it.
The bugs responsible for pneumococcal are bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae. They live in the mucous lining of the nose and in the back of the throat. And when they're plentiful enough, they can cause an infection in the respiratory tract, middle ear, or sinus cavities. Antibiotics such as penicillin can kill them, but up to 40 percent of the strains are resistant to antibiotics.
Pneumococcal bacteria spread by close contact and through coughing and sneezing. Diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia can crop up within days of infection.
Symptoms of pneumococcal pneumonia usually include fever and chills with shaking or trembling, as well as chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, fatigue, and weakness. Nausea, vomiting, and headaches are also associated with pneumococcal pneumonia, but are less common.
Pneumococcal bacteria also cause some of the most serious ear infections in children.
News about the latest pneumococcal vaccine
In February 2010, the FDA licensed a new vaccine to prevent pneumococcal disease in children: Prevnar 13, or PCV13. PCV13 protects against more strains of pneumococcal bacteria than the previous vaccine, PCV7.
This protection is important because PCV7 doesn't protect against certain strains of bacteria that have become more common in recent years. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the new vaccine offers protection against the strains of pneumococcal bacteria that most often cause severe pneumococcal infections in children.
What's the recommended schedule?
Recommended number of doses
Four doses.
Recommended ages
* At 2 months
* At 4 months
* At 6 months
* Between 12 and 15 months
What to do if your child has already received the old vaccine
The CDC recommends that
1) children who have received one or more doses of PCV7 complete their immunization series with PCV13, and
2) children 14 through 59 months of age who have already received all their PCV7 doses receive one dose of PCV13.
To track your child's immunizations, use BabyCenter's Immunization Scheduler.
Who shouldn't get the PCV vaccine?
Children who've had a life-threatening allergic reaction to a previous PCV shot or to certain other vaccines should not get the PCV vaccine. If your child has had this type of severe reaction to any immunization, talk to her doctor about whether the PCV vaccine is advisable.
Are there any precautions I should take?
Mildly ill children can be vaccinated. But if your child has a high fever or a severe illness, such as pneumonia, wait until her health improves before taking her in for the vaccine. She'll be better able to handle the immunization when she's healthy.
What are the possible side effects?
About a third of vaccinated children have redness, discomfort, or swelling at the site of the injection. A third also develop a mild fever. One in 20 has a higher fever of over 102.2 degrees.
Severe allergic reactions are rare but possible with any vaccine. See what our expert says about how to tell whether your child is having an adverse reaction.
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tengok jarum pon ai dah gerun..huhu.. |
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Monday, 3 December 2012
MAgic PAn????
Seronok dapat main masak2 dengan pemanggang ajaib ni..yang MALAS aku le tu pon dah jadik rajin nak masak..ihihi..baru ni dah rasmi buat kentang grill hihi..ok je walaupun ketang tu dah hancur maybe sbb dok dlm freezer lama sgt kot hahha..pastu dah try tok grill ayam..wallahh sedap angkat bakul plak pastu siram ngan blackpepper + barbeq sos..Aisyah pon kan main puji ngan ayat bodek..'sedapla mama masak. nanti buat macam ni lagi yek' ihikkksss...penangan pemanggang ajaib.Ingat nak try masak daging plak..ade sikit lagi daging korban ritu..bolehla kot main masak2 weeekend ni..
note: kirim kat sedara beli kat Langkawi rege nya RM99 + upah bawak RM10..=RM110. dah murahla tu kan kalau compare beli kat Key El ni ..
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picas pinjam cik gugel |
Friday, 30 November 2012
Saaaayanggg adik
Kakak SAAAAAAAAAyang adik...kakak nak dokong adik riba boleh??
kadang risau jugak nak bagi Aisyah ni pegang adiknya yela saiz badan dah macam nak lebih kurang je padahal beza dekat 4 tahun tu..tapi kasi la jugak pegang sesekali tak sampai 2 minit pon dia dah surrender ihikkss..pastu dia akan cakap berat la adik ni mama huhu..tau takpe..mama ummi pon tak larat nak dokong adik lama2 ni
note: sekarang ni ummi dah tukar jadik mama dan abah jadik ayah...huhu tatau la si Aisyah terpengaruh ngan sape..tu je la panggilan hari2 walaupun penat dah ummi cakap jangan panggil mama , cakap ummi..hmmm tak diherannya...alahai an
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Gambar raya haji...adik ( 3 bulan) Kakak (4 tahun 3 bulan) |
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Doyan ohhh doyan
Double hepi~~ pagi2 dapat rezeki durian crepe free..Dah petang plak..ade orang nak kasi doyan free plak..mesti en suami antu doyan pon mode sangat hepi jugak kan.Alhamdulillah~~rezeki yang dapat tu jangan lupe nak share dengan yang lain2 ye cik yah~~..
mode: murah rezeki doyan harini..haisshh bila bercakap je ada aura bau doyan ihiksss...
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siyess,,,tak pernah lagi try doyan cap merah gini..camner rasenya yekk ..credits to google image~~ |
Durian Crepe
Sana sini orang dok bercerita resepi femes ni..Saya pon first time try dalam meeting pagi tadi..yummy!!! memng sangat sedap patut pon harga nya boleh tahan mahal..Lepas ni bolehla berlagak sebab dah makan durian crepe hahahh..kalau rajin, boleh gak cuba buat pasni..tak pon order je dengan my opis mate..hihi...ohh yeaahhh nak kena google resepi balik rumah nanti..
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durian crepe saya pinjam kat 'myresepi' |
durian crepe,
Diari Syawal Aisyah @ 17 Syawal 2010
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Diari Syawal Aisyah @ 16 Syawal 2010
Terjumpa plak draft raya 2010..zasss..publish lagi hahha..sebagai kenang-kenangan dek non hahha
attend wedding anak kak Dila my opismate |
berbaju kurung dan bertopi ade berani??? |
pastu terjah rumah terbuka plak..kenyang mak nakk |
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smpai pukul 4 petang tapi ramai lagi orang..makn free katakan sape tak mau kannn |
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Diari Ramadhan Aisyah @ Marriot ~~14 Syawal 2010
Masih berkisar dengan entri dari draft hihi..Dari terperap kat draft, baik aku publish kat blog ni at least ade gak kenangan di masa lalu..hahah..gambar kat bawah ni mase pergi buka pose anjuran agensi luar..daku tumpang sekaki daa...

mak makan tak pandang kiri kanan nokss |
retis ke ni ye??aku ni tak bape nak kenal ngan org seni sangat huhu |
before balik sempat pose kat depan lobi |
alahai terserlah ke'jarang'an rambutnya iteww |

tadaa...souvenir kami dapat..dah macam baru balik dari kenduri kawin plak..padahal pegi buka pose je kot |
good bye...langkah penuh kekenyangan..:)) |
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